Music takes the pain away



Every writing school will tell you that you must write everyday in order to be a great writer. I can't make that promise right now. I'm just hoping to get something down every few days or so. Writing is fucking hard man! I would say that the the biggest reason is because it's an art form where the self-editor we all have is the loudest. So, one has to ignore that voice. Seems like a daunting task, sure, so try doing it 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. Fucking hard man!

So, how does one learn to ignore that voice? Well, I don't want to repeat myself so I'll just say that you need Carnegie Hall as a goal (practice, practice, practice!). You just have to write or say or sing whatever is in your head and on your mind right then and there. Right now, as I'm writing this, Comedy Central is showing UHF. I'm torn because I'm still not sure if I'm supposed to laugh at Racist Richards or unleash my anger everytime his character's on screen. That has nothing to do with writing anything, but it was on my mind so I had to write it. Another thing is avoiding the backspace key has been a trying experience. I'm a stickler for making things sound right gramatically and punctuation-wise. I've resigned myself to the fact that I will always correct my spelling as I go along, which does impede me, both creatively and in scoring higher on a typing test. Dammit, if they're gonna hire me, I'm gonna know how to spell necessary (I don't --ha HA! victory is mine! have at you self editor!)

I would think the same goes for improv and music as well. Actually I DO know that to be true.

I had said before that the self editor is loudest for writing (it's pretty loud in the other ones). I think it's because it's just you and the page (or screen, ans in this case, Weird Al). And the voice that says "that's stupid. what a dumb thing to say! capitalize motherfucker CAPITALIZE!!!" becomes like a gremlin just behind your right ear, breathing heavily with every pen/keystroke. Just keep writing my friend. I know I keep saying that, but I cannot stress it enough, just keep doing it. Pretty soon you’ll be hearing another voice, and it’ll sound a lot like yours. And then, the floodgates of thought are open and you’ll find that you cannot stop! Just keep typing, just keep talking, just keep saying whatever the fuck you want to say. It doesn’t matter! Fucking sing it if you have to!

Poems flow like rain
Over rocks and through hills
Thoughts are clear

Okay, I’m pretty sure that’s not a proper Haiku but it doesn’t fucking matter! It’s on the page, it’s looking back at me, free as a bird, ready for you to do with it whatever you want.

Shit, the viewer is going to do whatever they want with the piece when it’s done, it’s only fair we do whatever the fuck we want with the piece while we’re working on it!

That is all.

Fucking hard man!

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