Music takes the pain away


Top Ten Songs: A tagged MEME

Dennis Frymire picks now to tag me with this one.

Pick my ten favorite songs.

Ten? Only Ten?

Okay, I'll try…in no particular order:

1. "Dare to be Stupid" – Weird Al Yankovic. How many folks not associated with Devo can write a Devo style song?

2. I like my love songs simple, so I'm going with "Even in the Darkness" – Rue Royale.

3. Also in the vein of simple love songs, Sarah MacLachlan's "Ice Cream". Taking the stereotypical top indulgences of women, namely ice cream and chocolate, and then saying "your love" is better than both. I just like it, and she sings it with her husband, which is cool.

4. As far as break-up songs go…"Dance the Night Away" by the Mavericks is nice and bouncy and says "stay the hell away from me, woman" in the bounciest ways. (search for the song title on you tube since embedding was disabled). There you go Dennis, a country song.

5. "The Imperial March" – The Empire Strikes Back. Seriously, how does this score NOT kick ass?

6. It's difficult for me to single out one song on They Might Be Giants Flood album, but I'll do it with "We Want a Rock" based on imagery alone.

7. "Someone to Watch Over Me" – Ella Fitzgerald. I've got my reasons.

8. "Baby, One More Time" – Brad Roberts' version. Mindless bubblegum becomes a LOT creepier (and funnier) when sung by a baritone. (and I'm really wishing I could find an online version of it)

9. Staying with the Crash Test Dummies, "God Shuffled His Feet". Nice little song about the Creator trying to figure out how to communicate with humans. Try as He might, we ain't getting it.

10. "Jack Sparrow" - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. Not sure how, but it gets me going in the morning. Plus, you can just feel Captain Jack in this score.

Dennis tagged a few people I would tag, so my tag list is short. Kris, Lee, Alycee, Nikki, and Hector.

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