Music takes the pain away


Back in the saddle

I recently signed up for Theatre Momentum's annual 15 hour project. The gist of it is that 3 teams of actors spend most of the day working out a format for an improv show to be put on that night.


I'm a little nervous about this, mainly because I haven't been on a stage in about a year and a half or so. I decided to sign up becuase I haven't been on a stage in a bout a year and a half or so, and I've been wanted to do some improv again for a while. The way I figure it, there'll be no better way to jump back in than with a crash course/all-day intensive.


I may shoot myself when the day is over.


Bill O’Reilly: All Blown Up

There are some days when Countdown beats the pants off The Daily Show:

and some where Hardball rules the universe and teaches me a few things: